Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Time Is Over, at the Sound of the Shofar God Will Manifest His Wrath

Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 3, 2023


Beloved daughter, I am the Blessed Virgin,

I come to you so that the world may know of the coming of My Son Jesus Christ. A new Era is about to dawn, a life in eternal happiness! God wants to embrace His children to Himself: He wants to bestow on them of His infinite Good. Christ Jesus, the Risen One, is the One whom God the Father reveals to the world in His Divine Totality : The Most Holy Trinity. The Light of the world is to manifest Himself in His Greatness to this foolish Humanity, caught up in the life of this world of sin. Behold, thunders the hour long awaited by the children of God, their boast is in the Love of the Eternal Father, in Him Who created them to be His own. My children,

firmly believe in the Holy Gospel.

Confess at the foot of the Cross, prostrate yourselves before the Crucified One,

ask forgiveness for your sins, ask for mercy.

My children,

you are about to witness the greatest destruction... On Earth will ride earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding of rivers; you will see the seas swell, rise high and crash down on the coasts. You will still see horrors on Earth; the despair of men will be great. Those who have denied their Creator God will live out their condemnation. Death roams the streets of the world; sounds of death drums roll from one country to another on the Planet...but man remains indifferent. This debacle will affect all nations. Life on Earth will change: its appearance will become bleak; man will no longer know where to lay his head because nothing will stand! Prepare your homes:

be blessed and marked with exorcised oil. Join in unceasing prayer: Holy Rosary, Chaplet to Divine Mercy! Earth is giving birth, in her sorrow she will embrace Humanity. Poor children!

Oh you who have snubbed the appeals of Heaven... Oh you who have mocked the prophets of God.... Oh you who have used them for your own gain.... Oh you who despise God's Work: you cannot have help; you will be left "free" to your own choices. GOD IS! NO ONE IS LIKE GOD!

Beware O men,...

Beware! Give God your heart: let it be your "fiat" to Him. The time is over; at the sound of the shofar God will manifest His wrath. Farewell to you who have denied Him Who created everything and gave everything of Himself for your salvation!


Source: ➥